Black women’s unpaid political activism deserves acknowledgement. Economist Nina Banks argues that their community work should count as a form of work. And she means “count” literally! Community activism as work Feminist economists have highlighted how neoclassical economics wrongfully excluded domestic work, primarily done by women, as productive work that contributes to the economy. Likewise, Banks argues that both mainstream and feminist economists have missed how the community is a site … [Read more...]
Visiting other worlds
On July 14, the prominent feminist philosopher María Lugones died. Lugones was one of the first feminist thinkers that I ever read. Her co-authored paper with Elizabeth Spelman, "'Have We Got a Theory for You!' Feminist Theory, Cultural Imperialism, and the Demand for the 'Woman's Voice," inspired my Master's thesis. Some of the questions that paper raises about coalition across cultural difference still press on me. In fact, Janet and I have a project about building solidarity within … [Read more...]