A few years ago, I began using the acronym PREP in my teaching. It indicates to my students the learning methods I find most helpful: Prepare, Reflect, Engage, and Practice Self-Care. Throughout the semester, I check in about how PREP is working for them, if they use it. Some students are surprised to see self-care mentioned, others feel supported by it. There's always a range of responses about how students incorporate that final "p" of the acronym. Here's my check-in about self-care. I'm … [Read more...]
Queer theory: One goose at a time
I'm excited to me back in the class, discussing and learning with students. I thought I would share parts of my Queer Theory course on this space so people can see what we'll be doing--and of course, I always welcome suggestions and critical feedback. This course is cross-listed between Women's Studies and Philosophy. One goose at a time Curious about the subtitle, "One goose at a time"? Join us on October 5 to discuss Alex Johnson's "How to Queer Ecology: One Goose at a Time." I taught a … [Read more...]
Vulnerability, trauma, and the university
I came across Frank Furedi's March 8 article "The Therapeutic University" via the Hannah Arendt Center's weekly newsletter. In this article, Furedi reflects on the increasing medicalization of trauma in university contexts. Furedi's article is wide-reaching and provocative. Although I cannot take up all of his points, I would like to comment on a few ways in which feminist relational theory is relevant to his discussion, especially with respect to vulnerability. The therapeutic turn in … [Read more...]